Integrated approach to APM

Taking an integrated approach to Asset Performance Management


What to consider

Achieving the optimal balance of risk, cost, and performance requires optimizing all component imperatives of asset performance management (APM). That’s why an integrated approach to APM is best – one that connects traditionally siloed functions for more holistic asset management. It also brings together data to drive prioritization and continuous improvement.  

However, integrating APM is not just about technology. There’s a lot to consider when connecting siloed functions. Here’s a guide to help you plan.   

Examine your processes 

An integrated approach to APM brings together four key functions:  

Before you can connect these functions, you need to consider the underlying processes. Evaluate whether even the standalone processes are delivering the desired outcomes and, if not, why. Is there a trigger to set processes into motion? Are processes supported by the appropriate content and expertise?  

Once you identify how to improve each process you can think about how best to stitch them together for better outcomes and efficiency.  

Identify how to connect and structure data  

To integrate processes and connect siloed functions, you’ll need to consider how to structure your data. Where does it add value to connect data and what is the most efficient way to do that? What is the master system of record?  

It's also important to consider how you will manage the volume of content created across the asset base, including asset strategy content, asset health and condition monitoring content, and failure and investigation data.  

Determine the best deployment approach 

When shifting towards more integrated APM, you can choose between a full-scale deployment or a more gradual approach.  

A full-scale deployment involves creating new content (with or without the use of generic content) and applying content across all assets at once. The drawback is a high cost of entry which leads some to prefer a phased rollout that focuses on critical assets first.  

A third alternative is to start with generic content and use the process of APM to drive the review, development, and deployment of content to assets over time. While this approach takes longer, it offers the lowest cost of entry.  

Using either approach one must remain cautious of a chosen solutions scalability and sustainability. Too often, industrial operators go for the “start small, scale later” path that often yields great success indicators in the pilot phase, but then fails to deliver when attempting to scale enterprise-wide over a longer period of time. A “start smart with a plan and proof for scalability and sustainability” is a better approach. 

Consider how to support and sustain change  

To ensure the success of any organizational initiative, you need to consider change management. How ready are people to accept new ways of working and digital tools? What level of awareness and education will be required and how will this be delivered? How can you create the expectation that this will become business as usual?​ 

These non-technical challenges can often be underestimated, but it is important to have a plan and ensure teams are supported with the right education, content, services, and expertise.